----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NES 9x Source ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- www.emuhq.com/nes9x nes9x@emuhq.com Info : This emulator uses Marat M6502 Core! All the rest is our work! And cannot be used in ANY commercial package, and its nice if you use our work, credit it to us! If you do ANY improvements, send it to us, and then you'll get credited too! And if you want to join the team you'll be welcome, and of course if you want to be part of the team, you'll have to work too! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 Beta Source ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This version is the first public one! and support mappers 0,1,2,3,7 and has some sound! No WORKING Makefile is provided, all Aces_High could do in time for the release is included, but we WARN, it's NOT working, by the way, anyone who fix it, may send it to us? :), so, you'll have to compile it by yourself, but don't worry the next version will have an decent makefile! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Needed to compile ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DJGPP v.2 MAKE Utility //Allegro ( not yet :)) and you're ready to go.! Thanks for reading so long!